Monday, April 7, 2014

Healthy Instant Chocolate pudding

So last night I was craving something sweet.  Like REALLY craving something.

And unless I make it or bake it, we don't have ANY go-to sweet craving worthy items in my house.  It's at moments like these, I'm so MAD that I don't have a stash somewhere of something bad...but if it was there, I would eat it!  Which is why I was in the terrible predicament I was in last night...

I looked around...I always have the baking staples on hand...I could MAKE brownies! Yes...brownies are a great idea!  Nope. Takes too long...and I'd probably end up eating more batter than brownie and get all sick and then I'd have all these brownies left over...and then eat them, no brownies.

But I decided I did want something chocolatey.
And I'd been seeing friends post about this "Avocado chocolate pudding" all over the place.

PUDDING!  Pudding?  Yup. Pudding.  I'm going to do it!

Something fast and delicious?  YES PLEASE.  So here's what I did-no recipe, just winged it and MAN...did it turn out GREAT.  Exactly what I wanted.

I'm not going to lie. Probably could've served two.  Ate it all.


1/2 ripe avocado
1 ripe banana
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 cup milk of choice (You could use cow milk or almond, soy, rice...etc)
2 tbsp real maple syrup
2 tbsp almond butter
pinch salt
2 tsp vanilla


I put this all in my magic bullet (SO AWESOME) and let it whirl.  You could use a blender or food processor. And then took it out, tried it, a single tear fell down my cheek from how delicious it was, but slightly chunky.  Pulsed again and VOILA!

INSTANT pudding.  And WAY better for you than the packaged stuff.  I couldn't taste the avocado, but I could taste the banana slightly.  I'm sure you could play with the ratio of banana and avocado but if you LIKE banana, it's no big deal. I only have one question now about pudding: "Why didn't I know about this SOONER!?"

I would be happy to serve this to my kids as a special treat. They love anything chocolate and it was so easy! Now I'm wondering how it would taste frozen...keep an eye out for updates!

*Forgive the terrible photos, but it was late and I don't have proper lighting or a really good camera.  But I'm sure you get the idea.